Couples & Marriage Counseling
Some common reasons for attending couples counseling include:
• Improving communication
• Conflict resolution
• Goal setting for the future
• Dealing with past issues
• Someone wants a divorce
• Sex and intimacy problems
• Healing from infidelity
• Resolving issues with trust
• Navigating an addiction or mental health disorder
The hallmark of a healthy relationship is effective communication. This requires a strong foundation of trust. Feeling like you are walking on eggshells around your partner, or unable to express your feelings about issues may signal a problem.
Disagreements are a part of any healthy relationship. Disagreements do not have to escalate into hurtful and damaging arguments. It is possible to work through problems in a loving and respectful way.
Unresolved feelings of hurt and anger can lead to feelings of resentment. It’s necessary to work through these feelings and reestablish a neutral base.
Growing together means taking the time to invest in yourself as well as your relationship. Our expectations of love as a natural, organic feeling may lead us to forget that love requires maintenance.